1n a nutshell

Chateau de Charité (Castle For Charity), a revolutionary philanthropic engine for individuals, businesses and non-profits across America to collaborate to share innovative ideas, fund and manage projects designed to make our communities a better place to live, work and play.  

Micro-Grants: Up to $10,000 each

If you have a large project, multiple applications can be submitted, one for each phase of your project. 

Who do you know that has a great IDEA to help make your community a better place to live, work and play?

We can help!

12 grant categories

1 Animal Refuge:

Initiatives that support and enhance animal shelters and rescue organizations dedicated to the care, fostering, and adoption of abandoned, injured, or neglected animals, promoting animal welfare and responsible pet ownership.

2 Arts, Culture & History:

Initiatives that develop, enhance, or preserve the arts, music, culture or history.

3 Benevolence:

Initiatives that provide direct assistance, aid, and support to individuals and families facing hardship, crisis, or emergency situations, demonstrating compassion and promoting human welfare.

4 Civics:

Initiatives that promote civil, civic engagement, education, and participation in democratic processes, fostering informed and active citizenship, and strengthening community governance.

5 Entrepreneurship:

Initiatives that foster, support, and accelerate the development of new businesses, innovation, and economic opportunities within communities, with a focus on empowering individuals and creating sustainable growth.

6 Education:

Initiatives that further the educational process or improve access to education for children and/or adults.

7 Environment & Recreation:

Initiatives that restore, revitalize or enhance the environment and/or create or improve recreational opportunities.

8 Faith-Based:

Initiatives that leverage the resources and networks of faith-based organizations to address community needs, promote social good, and provide support services rooted in spiritual values and principles of the Christian faith.

9 Family:

Initiatives that strengthen and enhance the lives of children and families.

10 Financial Literacy:

Initiatives that provide education, resources, and tools to empower individuals and families with the knowledge and skills necessary to make sound financial decisions, build wealth, and achieve financial stability.

11 Health & Wellness:

Initiatives that improve the mental and/or physical well-being of people.

12 Veterans & Military Families:

Initiatives that provide support services, resources, and programs to address the unique needs of veterans, active-duty military personnel, and their families,


Every US citizen now has fair access to the funding and support they need for projects that can help make our communities a better place to live, work and play without red tape, fine print, or restrictions.

Individuals, businesses, non-profit clubs, organizations, including faith-based churches and ministries are eligible.

Entrepreneurship is one of our core values, so a limited number of small business startup grants will be authorized each year, but unlike the others, the expectation is that the grant funding received will be DONATED BACK over time to help replenish the grant fund.

This grant program is NOT established as a non-profit, charity or foundation, therefore, we are NOT restricted in who or what type of projects we fund or how much we are able to give. This is decided by a board of directors and our project supporters. 



  • Be a new program, expansion of an existing program, or a new or expanded collaborative effort of multiple nonprofit organizations, businesses or individuals.
  • Have a total project budget that does not exceed the $10,000 CHATEAU DE CHARITÉ micro-grant amount.
  • If you have a large project, multiple grant applications may be submitted to fund each phase.

grants can not be used for the following...

CHATEAU DE CHARITÉ does not provide grants for the following items or situations:

  1. General operating expenses. 
  2. Operational deficits.
  3. Debt reduction.
  4. Endowment or memorial funding.
  5. Interim or bridge funding.
  6. Partisan, legislative, or political activities: political causes, organizations, events, and candidates, including groups or individuals running for elected office.
  7. Private foundations.
  8. Legal expenses incurred in any action by or against the organization.
  9. Fund drives or annual appeals. General capital campaigns.
  10. General construction or renovation unrelated to a specific project.
    • If general construction or renovation is related to a specific project, the organization must either own the property or have at least a five-year lease.Fund drives or annual appeals. General capital campaigns. 

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